Augmensys won the Innovation and Research Prize of the State of Carinthia!
Augmensys won the Innovation and Research Prize of the State of Carinthia!

On Friday, November 27, 2020, the most innovative companies in Carinthia were honored by Governor Peter Kaiser, Technology Advisor Gaby Schaunig and KWF Board Members Sandra Venus and Erhard Juritsch, during a live stream press conference from the office of the Carinthian provincial government. Augmensys was able to impress the jury with ARGUS (AR Guided Switching), a new technology to support switching processes in medium voltage networks, and thus won the award in the category “small and medium-sized enterprises”.
In addition, Augmensys and their project ARGUS were nominated as the top company to represent the province of Carinthia at the “State Prize for Innovation” in autumn 2021.
In order to be able to compete successfully, innovations are becoming increasingly important – especially in difficult times like these. Therefore we are truly honored to receive this award, and are proud of our entire team and our partner, KNG – Kärntner Netz GmbH, who made this project with a lot hard work and dedication possible.
For more information about ARGUS visit the KWF website:
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